Community benefits

At our initial consultation, we asked for suggestions on what steps we could take to support local sustainable projects, schemes and initiatives. We believe that the communities closest to Fosse Green Energy should benefit from it, and we are grateful for your feedback on how we could extend the benefits of our project.

We have listened to your feedback, and are consulting on some new benefits which Fosse Green Energy could bring to local communities, including:

  • A range of permissive paths linking to Public Rights of Way (PRoW), creating connections between local villages and other paths, and increasing walking and cycling opportunities.
  • Planting community orchards to not only enhance local plant and wildlife, but also to screen the solar panels and reduce visual impact.
  • Opening up green areas for schools, community groups and animals – such as birds – to use, delivering further biodiversity net gain.
  • Working with North Kesteven District Council to develop plans for a community benefit fund.

This is in addition to benefits we previously announced at our last consultation, and which our site will already bring:

  • Providing enough clean energy to power homes and businesses, and help reach net zero emissions, while supporting the local farming economy and improving the local environment.
  • Payment of business rates to the local authority when the project is operational, contributing to the provision of local services.
  • Initial plans to deliver biodiversity net gain through additional planting to encourage more native wildlife with habitats and food sources increased for insects and birds.
  • Provision of educational packs for local primary schools to utilise in addition to offering educational visits.

We also continue to welcome further suggestions on local schemes, projects and initiatives we can support. Let us know about any ideas you have in your feedback.

Community Liaison Group

We are continuously looking at new ways to work with local communities. This is why we are considering setting up a community liaison group.

As part of this, we will be inviting local community representatives to engage with us and discuss how we can best serve the communities we are near to.

The group will be set up following the end of consultation and run throughout the planning and construction process.


Part of the development of the project will involve archaeological trial trenching across the site. We are keen to share and discuss our findings and where possible involve the local community.

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