The development process

As the project generates over 50MW of electricity, this means that it is classified as a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP).


The development consenting regime for an NSIP comes under the Planning Act 2008. This means we need to apply for a DCO to build Fosse Green Energy. This will be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate rather than the local planning authority, North Kesteven District Council.

In the case of energy-related development the Planning Inspectorate acts on behalf of the Secretary of State at the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero. It will carry out an examination of our proposals and then make a recommendation to the Secretary of State on whether or not to grant consent for the development.

The Secretary of State for the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero will make the final decision on whether to grant consent for the project.

We anticipate that the development process from start, through DCO submission, examination and then decision will take between two to three years. We intend to submit our proposals to the Planning Inspectorate by autumn 2024.

Stage One Consultation – 11 September to 20 October 2023

The first stage of consultation we held in Autumn 2023 was non-statutory. While not formally required, it was intended to give local communities an opportunity to influence the proposed development from an early stage to gain a better understanding of what we are proposing, the potential benefits and its potential impacts.

As part of this consultation, we introduced Fosse Green Energy and the overall project, shared our early-stage proposals and gave individuals and interested parties the opportunity to have their say and share their views and local knowledge.

We are using the feedback we received to inform and shape a strong set of proposals that are sensitive to, and respect concerns of, local communities.

Stage Two Consultation – 21 October to 2 December 2024

Further to developing more detailed proposals for the project, we are carrying out a second stage of consultation. This is a statutory stage of consultation required by the application process for NSIPs.

You can find out how to take part on the Have your say page.

Further opportunities to contribute

The second stage of consultation on our proposals for Fosse Green Energy is likely be the last time we consult during the pre-application process, however, there will be ongoing opportunities to comment on the application at the examination stage.

Once our application has been accepted you will be able to register your interest in our proposals with the Planning Inspectorate via its website at

It will then keep you informed about the progress of our application during the pre-examination and examination process and supply further opportunities to inform and contribute to the planning process.

Consultation Application

You can view a timeline of the development process for Fosse Green Energy below:

Spring 2023

  • Outline information shared on the project. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Scoping Request submitted to the Planning Inspectorate.

Autumn 2023

  • First stage of community consultation (non-statutory).

Winter 2023/2024

  • Development of a Statement of Community Consultation (SoCC) setting out how we will consult on the project at statutory consultation.

Spring to Autumn 2024

  • Further environmental survey and assessment work.

Autumn 2024

  • Second (statutory) stage of community consultation.

Autumn 2025

  • Finalise DCO application for submission to the Planning Inspectorate.

*Please note dates are indicative and could be subject to change

More information about Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) can be found on the Planning Inspectorate website.

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